Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Szklarska Poręba \(woj. dolnośląskie, pow. karkonoski, gm. Szklarska Poręba\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jakuszyce \(Szklarska Poręba \; część miasta\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szpak, Andrzej \(1952\-2021\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bieg Piastów \(10 \; 1986 \; Szklarska Poręba \- Jakuszyce\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Biegi narciarskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Narciarstwo klasyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sport] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sporty zimowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = 1945\-1989] OR [Subject and Keywords = 1901\-2000] OR [Title = X Bieg Piastów 1986 \(fot.8\) \[Dokument ikonograficzny\]] OR [Creator = Szpak, Andrzej \(1952\-2021\). Fotografie]