The point of the project is to preserve and publicize knowledge about Jelenia Gora and Jelenia Góra Valley by compiling, digitizing and making accesible in the Digital Library of Jelnia Góra following documents about social life that were previously unavailable to the wider public:
- audiovisual and photographic materials from collection of Andrzej Szpak – long-term journalist and reporter for Nowin Jeleniogórskich and TV Wroclaw, documenting the social life of the city and the Valley during a period of important changes
- Completing the digital collection of biographical dictionary of Jelenia Gora with the biographical note for twelve people important to the city and the region
- Documents and spacial reconstruction of the former buildings of Jelenia Gora by Eugeniusz Gronostaj- regionalist, lecturer at Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa in Jelenia Góra, researcher of historic architectual changes in the city and the surrounding area.
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Gronostaj, Eugeniusz
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Filmy
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie
Szpak, Andrzej (1952-2021). Fotografie